Spring Hill Baptist Church in Lancaster, South Carolina, is looking for a Ministry Assistant/Director of Children’s Ministries whose area of focus are as follows: financial, communications, ministry assistance, and children.
The position is a part-time one, consisting of 20-25 hours a week, with the hopes that it would eventually grow into a full-time position.
Click the following link for a job description.
And click here to see Spring Hill’s “A New Beginning” Ministry Plan, which gives you an idea of who we are as a church, including our mission, theological beliefs, core values, and goals.
The position is a part-time one, consisting of 20-25 hours a week, with the hopes that it would eventually grow into a full-time position.
Click the following link for a job description.
And click here to see Spring Hill’s “A New Beginning” Ministry Plan, which gives you an idea of who we are as a church, including our mission, theological beliefs, core values, and goals.
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship
11:00 am Worship
Sunday Evenings
5:00pm Choir
6:00pm Worship
6:00pm Worship
Wednesday Evenings
6:15pm Dinner
7:00pm Worship
7:00pm Worship